By Jared Walth on Friday, 28 April 2023
Category: OLED TV

What to Know about OLED TV and the Alternatives

Which TV type is right for you?

If you are looking to upgrade your TV picture quality, you have undoubtedly heard of OLED TV technology. It is often described as the best TV technology, and historically it's also been the most expensive.  

But while OLED is superb TV technology, other TV technologies also vie for your attention. Overall, OLED is currently the best picture-quality consumer display, the next is Mini LED, and last is Edge Lit. Keep reading to learn more about each type and what you'll want to know in choosing a TV for your Salt Lake City, UT, home entertainment.

SEE ALSO: The Creation of a Media Room


OLED TV panels (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) have several advantages. Unlike LED technologies, they require no backlight, as the pixels are self-lighting. This allows OLED to produce vibrant, saturated, and bright colors as well as deep black backgrounds that are so important for dark scenes in films and games. 

Because OLEDs have no backlight, they are thinner and lighter, making them favorites for minimalist installations. OLED also enjoys wider viewing angles without degradation of colors and brightness. 

So what's the downside? OLED TVs are bright but might not be the best choice in brightly lit spaces, as the picture may wash out more. OLEDs are ideal for bedrooms, more softly lit living areas, media rooms, and smaller home theaters

Backlit LED

Edge-lit designs have been available for many years and are the least expensive TVs, although quality differences exist across model tiers. With edge lighting, the LED backlight is arranged along the edges of the panel. While the TVs are bright, the panel illumination is not as consistent from edge to edge. This can create uneven color and brightness, and less precise control of the backlight across the entire screen means it won't perform at the same level for contrast as other panel technologies. 

 Full-array backlights have become increasingly popular in the past several years. More expensive to produce, this technology allows for more precise brightness control. We recommend full-array TVs as strong performers in a variety of rooms, and the best will perform well in high ambient light as well. However, only the best full-array panels will approach, but not supersede, the black-level performance of OLED. 


Mini-LED is the newest technology on the block for TVs, and it was pioneered in computer screens like other LED technologies. Mini-LEDs shrink the LED lights, enabling many more controllable lights to be packed in, creating more zones for even more precise backlight control. The result is improved brightness and contrast and a panel that can work well in any room. 

OLED will still likely outperform mini-LED with color performance, but mini-LED control, brightness, and contrast will make it a great option in rooms that might go from very bright to very dark. Mini LED is also better for sports and news because there are no burn-in issues with static elements, and it is typically brighter on average. However, the image quality is still not as good as OLED. Right now, mini-LED tends to be the most expensive option. 

The best way to get the right TV for your media needs is to consult a professional. Show and Tell TV works with all the best brands with all these technologies, like Sony, LG, and Samsung. Why not give us a call today? We would love to work with you!