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What to Look for in High-End TVs: Your 2025 Viewing Guide


What the Latest TV Tech Can Do for Your Entertainment

Well, the big game recently wrapped up. Did your current TV leave you wanting at all? Maybe some blurry action where you couldn't tell if he was in or out of bounds, or some expensively produced commercials that were a washout in your bright living room? Perhaps upgrading to a new high-end TV might be in order for this yet-young new year. And with the latest 2025 models just announced at CES becoming available this spring, the timing couldn't be better to understand what's really worth your investment. 

We're not just talking about bigger TV screens (even if they get ever larger every year); we're talking about technology that will transform how you experience everything from sports to cinema for years to come in your Bountiful home. Let's explore some of the tech and brands to watch for this year. 

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