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Should You Prepare Your Home for 8K Video Resolution?


Upgrade Your Audio Video Distribution with 8K Resolution in Mind

During the past few months, many major television manufacturers have released high-end 8K displays. Whenever there's new TV technology in the market, we usually see two responses from our clients. There are the die-hard video lovers that WANT IT NOW and there are the more cautious consumers who understandably think—what, again?!

It seems every year a handful of new acronyms and numbers come out that promise to completely transform your viewing experience. We don't blame some people for growing wary and thinking they can wait out the recent trend until the next one comes along.  

As one of the top home AV experts in the Salt Lake City, UT, area we have a lot of people looking for advice when new options become available, and 8K is no exception. That's why we've decided to write this blog, which explains why 8K displays might be a good choice for some. We also go into the audio video distribution solutions needed to really take advantage of this emerging technology. 

SEE MORE: Why a Control4 Installation is the Right Fit for Your Project

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