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3 Reasons You’ll Want Tunable Lighting for Your Home


What to Know About the Latest Trend in Home Lighting Control

You may have heard about smart lighting and lighting control systems. You might think it is a non-essential luxury. Perhaps it’s not a must-have feature, but when you look at the benefits of smart lighting, they make absolute sense. Think about it this way – your home has a dishwasher, right? It is not an absolute necessity, but you might be hard-pressed to think about giving it up and washing all your dishes manually.

Lighting control has incredible benefits in convenience, efficiency, and aesthetics. But with advances in the latest types of LED lighting, there’s another unexpected one – wellness. A new trend in home design and technology is Biophilic design. Biophilia, according to Webster’s dictionary, means “a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life and nature.” Applied to light, it means employing new technology to make artificial light more natural, allowing us to bring a little more of nature indoors.

You might ask at this point: Don't we get plenty of natural sunlight in Bountiful and all over Utah? Perhaps, but in our modern lives, we spend a considerable part of our lives indoors. And with LED tunable lighting technology, we can make the indoors feel a bit more natural.

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