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Welcome to our blog, where we explore the latest innovations in home automation, offering insights and inspiration to enhance convenience, security, and comfort in your living space.

How Environmental Sensors Make Your Security System Smarter

 A man holding a smartphone in a car that shows the status of various parts of his home’s security system.

Smart Sensors Alert You to Problems So You Can React

If you have a newer home, you likely have all the basic safety features. For example, by code, you'll have a smoke detector inside every bedroom and another outside the entries. This is designed to loudly alert you to potential fire so you can take action. 

However, the basic safety features might not protect you from other perils that, while not necessarily life-threatening, could be very costly when unnoticed. Fortunately, intelligent environment sensors can be tied to smart security systems to provide more comprehensive protection to your Salt Lake City, UT, home and its inhabitants. Let’s take a look at three ways smart sensors can help you.

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