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Beyond the Bulb: Discover Linear Lighting


See How Linear Lighting Adds Style, Functionality, and Innovative Flair to Any Space

Linear lighting might be the lighting you never knew that you needed until you discovered it. Like most of history’s groundbreaking technologies—the internal combustion engine, the telephone, and the light bulb, to name a few—linear lighting wasn’t born from a focus group run by marketers. It’s a product enabled by a remarkable technology that’s now commonplace: LED lighting. In this post, we’re going to cover Control4’s Vibrant Linear Lighting, one of the best and easiest-to-use implementations of linear lighting. Indeed, Control4’s own marketing calls it “living beyond the bulb.” We couldn’t agree more, because linear lighting is so useful, enabling us to use light in places that the bulb doesn’t serve well. Keep reading to learn more about what Control4 Vibrant Linear lighting can do in your Bountiful, UT, home. 

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